
Nov 30, 2013

Seasons Greetings

Happy Holidays to all the Genus/Genius family members

Pay Your Registration Fees Here

Reunion Dues

Are you Ready for the 2014 Genus/Genius Family Reunion?

4th ANNUAL Genus/Genius Family Reunion
Where: Ft. Lauderdale, FLORIDA
When: Thursday July 17 –Sunday July 20, 2014

Registration Fees: Adults $90 children 4 yrs up $50
Payment Options
Paypal - online at
                             Look for the Paypal link to make your payments via credit/debit card
MAIL - Check or money order to the treasurer:
 3835 Pizarro Rd Jacksonville, Fl 32217.
 New for 2014:
Begin paying your reunion fess now in budget friendly $25 increments.

REUNION FEES $90/adult $50/children (ages 4-15)
Free for all children younger than 4